EXCLUSIVE iPhone 15 Ultra Design Renders REVEALED! 🤯

the iPhone 15 Ultra is mosting likely to be better than you believe in terms of both the efficiency and the design because I'' ve been collaborating with renders by Shailesh on Twitter to develop the excellent design that I assume is going to resemble based upon every one of the current leakages as well as reports along with some old ones that I assume are really mosting likely to come true and also no it'' s not going to look something like this truly strange and also extravagant style on Twitter or particularly this one with a display on the back that'' s definitely ridiculous it'' s not coming not also this recent one with this truly weird camera window over on the best side with what seems I put on'' t understand audio speaker or microphone grills like what the hell is this it'' s not mosting likely to appear like these guys and also I also think it'' s not going to look as simple as this with the current 14 pro Max video camera layout with merely the rounded edges as you can see due to the fact that we did get some rumors that these edges are going to be round it on the back for a much more practical feeling and also obviously those leaks came from shrimp Apple Pro on Twitter stating that the apple iphone 15 might include a titanium framework with bent rear sides that'' s where it originated from currently shrimp in fact discussed these current provides saying that they lack something very important and also that is certainly the Periscope camera which has been reported ahead out next year according to discuss quo following year'' s apple iphone 15 Pro Max will get a brand-new 12 megapixel telephoto lens with 6X optical zoom and also sensing unit change stablizing so as you understand today we have a 3X Optical camera on the 14 professional but we'' re gon na be obtaining a 6X and the only way to make that feasible is to make use of a periscope lens if you wear'' t recognize what that is this is what it looks like essentially you have the whole lens scent sir hidden inside of the phone with a mirror reflecting the light primarily entering into the sensing unit such as this as well as the leaks as well as reports are revealing that we'' re mosting likely to be getting that following year with a 6X optical zoom lens which'' s basically why I differ with several of the provides similar to this that reveal the specific same cam layout since they'' re not revealing the brand-new Periscope lens currently there is one feasible method to make it function such as this which I'' m mosting likely to expose a little bit in the future in this video and it could be a wizard service but it additionally might not work currently obviously you'' ve possibly seen several of the makes such as this with a four electronic camera design yet it is actually not feasible to do this and allow me clarify why a format such as this there'' s simply no other way it can occur what you'' re seeing right here is a real x-ray photo of an iPhone 14 professional Max currently if you didn ' t currently recognize he below is the cam component this whole sort of block right below it ' s all simply one encapsulated module and also these sensors are big the cameras themselves allow so much to make sure that they fill out the whole thickness of the iPhone internals completely via so if we had four camera lenses such as this it would really be impossible because right here is the selfie cameras and also sensors for face ID with the dynamic Island so you literally can not physically put a lens up right here it would be in the way of the selfie video cameras so that is why Apple has this famous layout with this triple camera lens with it sort of down below in this triangular development as well as you can in fact see the reverse of that x-ray sort of turned right here you see this whole encapsulated cam module with this selfie video camera configuration right below so obviously you can'' t put anything up below so the suggestion is where do you put a periscope lens such as this one this is really from the pixel 7 Pro from Jerry gear everything and his take apart you can see the style of the Periscope you can see the lens glass with the mirror reflecting out to the right you have all of the lenses here as well as then this square thing is the sensor that is mounted sidewards so basically light enters with the glass undergoes the mirror shows as well as goes right into the sensor that'' s how a periscope lens works which ' s how it ' s going to deal with the new iPhone 15 Ultra or per Max so essentially the only place they can realistically fit that lengthy Periscope lens is not mosting likely to be at the leading it might either get on the right of this lens or over in this general area now there was somebody that made this render from November 12 2021 where they showed that Periscope lens down here as well as certainly it shows in the direction of the right yet I totally differ with this style I don'' t think it ' s mosting likely to occur due to the fact that the battery is actually down here and'they wear ' t wish to impede on the battery dimension so keeping that stated allow me finally disclose to you people my provides that I developed with makes by shy lash check it out and also boom there you enter this good copper bronze shade currently you could assume whoa this is actually strange and this is different yet I'' m going to explain every aspect of this style including the curved glass on the back yes not the metal is contour however I believe the glass itself is going to contour and you may believe that'' s nuts due to the fact that it'' s going to break but there'' s a great factor for that and also apple in fact pre-planned for that you might see that the lenses protrude and also you can see some differences in the real lidar scanner The Flash as well as the new window for the Periscope lens yet initially simply examine out all of these various colors we have this brand-new Sort of Blue wish color right here we naturally have this make displaying all-time low with the curved glass peeking out as well as the USBC Port you can see this great close-up right below oh man this looks actually actually clean and also my individual favorite is this silver check that out we'' ve got white on the back silver on the sides and also if you can'' t inform this is in fact a titanium steel surface that we have which'' s certainly because we have the leakages of titanium as well as shrimp bubble Pro in fact uploaded lately a new titanium coating apparently going up on weibo this is in fact the structure of the titanium of the 15 Ultra and after that I absolutely enjoy this shot this make that shylash developed he simply did such an excellent job go on as well as follow him on Twitter today let me explain all of this as well as what'' s going on right here and also this actually brings me back to an old leak from John Prosser that said that there'' s going to be a sticking out flat glass panel on the back of the iPhone 14 which obviously that got delayed so now it ' s going to be the iPhone 15 however I essentially took his designer on and also rather than having the video camera components purge with the glass my take was that they would really stand out because the cams are going to obtain bigger and also thicker especially with the 48 megapixel video camera sensing unit that we got naturally in the 14 professional however I think the front is mosting likely to stay the exact same it'' s not mosting likely to protrude on the new one it ' s going to be sticking out on the back today ever given that we got those leaks on reports of the back in fact being rounded my idea is what if John Prosser was right the back is mosting likely to extend nevertheless the glass itself is mosting likely to curve right into the frame similar to this for a good glass really feel on the back of the iPhone with whatever being textured it'' s not mosting likely to be shiny anymore as well as a very crucial element of this style is that this etched glass squarish bump is going to go away basically as opposed to every one of this being engraved down it'' s mosting likely to be a flat panel completely to the top of primarily this glass home window it'' s all going to be thick and level with the camera bumps standing out like it is right here which'' s important due to the fact that it ' s going to allow Apple to make these electronic cameras even bigger than they are on the 14 pro so every one of them are mosting likely to be bigger which ' s mosting likely to offer more room for every little thing to fit perfectly so now prior to I describe what'' s taking place here with the lidar moving The Flash the microphone Hull going up as well as this brand-new home window for the Periscope electronic camera prior to I show you guys that pack let me explain why I believe the back glass is going to be flush as well as rounded about well if you didn'' t currently recognize Apple has actually lately altered the style or the way they made the iPhone 14 pro Max to where they can really access everything from the rear of the apple iphone this time around without having to completely take everything apart like they finished with the 13 Pro and the other years now it'' s a lot easier to replace the back glass panel and also more affordable so I believe Apple made that change to get ready for this brand-new redesign where you have the more unwrapped glass that curves around and provides you a good really wonderful feel I think this looks so much far better than we have now this is extremely tidy level glass panel on the back primarily giving more space for everything to suit there and also there'' s even a chance that this glass panel won'' t be totally thick on the inside there ' s a chance they could in fact engrave the inside of the glass panel to offer more internal space practically like scooping it like a bowl on the inside and you won'' t have the ability to notice due to the fact that the outside is repainted like this yet on the within there might be extra internal area to make sure that'' s a quite essential integral part that'' s mosting likely to enable every little thing to primarily fit even more well and also naturally with a matte glass appearance this phone is going to really feel fantastic it'' s going to be a lot more fragile however it'' s going to feel impressive now allow me enter clarifying these different aspects right here now in my preliminary makes that I produced with him I had the periscope on top prior to I recognized that it'' s actually not feasible to fit this Periscope design on the inside because this Periscope camera is going to be truly thick essentially enveloping the full density of the iPhone due to the fact that you need to have a side placed sensing unit as well as as a result of the X-ray that I later on took a look at I understood it'' s impossible to place a periscope right here there'' s just way too much of these selfie video cameras there there'' s no method to make sure that ' s why I flipped every little thing and I place it in the direction of the base where you can see on this x-ray if you have the Periscope below you can have it go out sidewards here all Apple would need to do is sort of redesign the reasoning board and also make a cutout where it goes around that Periscope video camera and afterwards they might actually make it fit so this right below is what we finished up with you have the Periscope on the bottom you have every one of the glass elements undergoing to the appropriate apple is going to redesign the reasoning board on the inside to make whatever obtaining fit and of course it still looks extremely good and tidy if you totally despise it or differ with me let me understand in the remark area below yet if you delight in these brand-new provides as well as you like them please share them on the internet share them around see what other individuals think as well as click the circle above to subscribe for even more videos like this one thanks for viewing as well as we'' ll see you in the following video [Songs]

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